A Space Art Exhibition in Microscale We are displaying art pieces out-to-the-Space! Tohoku University, Japan, is now developing a small satellite, named SPRITE-SAT, with the scheduled launch on January 21st, 2009. The primary mission of the satellite is a scientific study of lightening phenomena above the cloud layers, in addition, using this opportunity, university is also organizing the first art exhibition in outer space! To take part in this exhibition, monochrome digital drawings were submitted from artists in the world. These art pieces were miniaturized and fabricated on a silicon wafer using photolithography and dry-etching technology. The photolithography and etching process was done on a standard silicon wafer, so that each art piece has a 2.5 by 2.5 millimeters (minimum dot size is 5 micron). The art pieces will be exhibited in orbit attached on the top of an antenna boom on the top of the satellite. The artwork will also be exhibited on dedicated web pages. Call for Art Work - Please submit a digital drawing in 500×500 pixels, or a line drawing with 500×500 pixels resolution to the following email address. Black and white, no halftones. Submit as a digital file, which can be displayed in a 10 cm square on a computer screen. - Please write your name, nationality, and a message, such as the concept and explanation, for the web page. The message can be written in any language, however please add a Japanese or English translation if you write in another languages. Submission was closed on August 17, 2008 We received 40 pieces of artwork contribution from 14 different countries! Thank you for your interest and cooperation. The art pieces will be exhibited in orbit and on the web, simultaneously. For the web-based exhibition, please visit: http://www.astro.mech.tohoku.ac.jp/SpaceArt/e/ For any questions, please email to Prof. Kazuya Yoshida at yoshida (at) astro.mech.tohoku.ac.jp Technical support from Center for Integrated Nono Technology Support, Tohoku University Call for Art Work (in PDF) |